Monday, March 27, 2017

More about cleaning

Every so often, we get a good string of rainy days and it makes keeping your car clean a shiny a miserable battle. Call me crazy or obsessed, but I typically plan my car washes around the weather app on my phone. On Saturday or Sunday, I usually check the 5-7 day forecast to see if there is a chance of rain coming up. Clouds on the digital horizon? No car wash. I spend a fair penny on the cleaning products I buy so I don't want to waste them if it's only going to be a day or two before the next time I have to wash. Speaking of products, I use an array of items from Gloss-It. They're a locally owned and operated company with a wide array of detailing, cleaning, and restoration products. Our car club, Southern Nevada Camaro Club, had a special event demo a year or so back and I got to see all their products used first hand. I came to believe in their products and use them to this day. Most are non-petroleum based and don't leave residue or grime on your hands or your car. The car shampoo is by far my most used product. It helps balance the pH of the water you use and reduces minerals that cause water spots. At some point I'll go over my method of cleaning but for now I figured I'd share my product list. So on a regular wash, I use the following:

Car shampoo

All Purpose Cleaner

Tire, Vinyl, Rubber protector/shine

And the detail spray I mentioned in the previous post. This is for basic cleanings. We'll get into clay bars and polish another time. So keep your cars shiny and out of the rain!

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